Sunday, October 13, 2019

MINDing My Health at 92Y

As Mental Health Awareness week kicked off last week, I enjoyed a day of panel discussions and break out sessions at MIND Your Health at 92Y. The day included an array of speakers such as Bob Roth, Cheryl Strayed, and Cynthia Germanotta, as well as doctors and experts such as Dr. Alka Gupta from Weill Cornell Medicine. MIND Your Health was designed to help us take a holistic approach to improving the quality of our lives.

Some notes from the day (in no particular order):
  • Talk about mental health. Eliminate the stigma. Mental health is just as important as physical health! Treat mental disorders as they emerge; if not, they will worsen...
  • Minimum of 7 - 8 hours sleep --> necessary (make your environment peaceful - put down the phone - dim the lights - set the right temperature - NO WINE!
  • Social connections and relationships --> critical
  • Find things in your life that release endorphins naturally
  • Practice gratitude and journaling. Create mantras
  • Practice mindfulness through meditation (those with untreated trauma - beware)
  • Talk to your kids - make time for family time!
  • Practice vulnerability - struggle is universal. you are not alone
  • Look into alternative therapies - cannabis, slime anyone?
  • Feed your brain. Mediterranean diet linked to good health and less depression. Eat more plant-based foods - eat fatty fish (e.g., salmon, mackerel and sardines) 2-3x per week - limit added sugars - take in 25-30g fiber daily. Eat slowly and enjoy your food
  • Reduce cognitive decline - avoid chronic stress and exposure to toxins and embrace physical fitness and social networks

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