Thursday, April 4, 2013

Quote from Guillermo Calderón's "Neva”

Masha in Guillermo Calderón's Neva:
Sometimes, I think I would have liked to be a man. I would have liked to drink vodka, to fall and fight in the street, to see blood. Wear boots, leather jackets. Smoke. Whistle. Offend women. Laugh at my own jokes, love my own stench. Bathe in the river Neva with polar bears in winter. I would have liked to be a man, having been in prison, having been kicked, not believing in God, urinating in the street, sleeping by day, having no fears...I would have liked to be a man. Killing...eating human flesh, having fought in the war, killing children, raping children and old. I would have liked to be a man. I would be happy...

Translation provided by Google.

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