As I sat in
the audience at the Vineyard Theatre waiting for Zayd Dohrn’s Outside People to begin, I overheard a gentleman behind me telling an unseen theater
partner that Mr. Dohrn’s lived in hiding for 4 years as a child. At the time, I
knew nothing of Mr. Dohrn’s history. But after hearing this and watching the
funny and fast paced 90 minute play that is being compared to David Henry Hwang’s Chinglish on Broadway, I was intrigued
by the playwright, who I assumed was American not of Chinese heritage.
Well, Zayd Dohrn I later found out is the son of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Yes,
the Bill Ayers that most recently hit media spotlight during the Obama presidential
campaign. Yes, radical Weather
Underground, FBI most wanted, 11 years living under assumed names, now retired college professor Ayers. Dohrn is named after murdered Black Panther Zayd Shakur and his brother is named after Malcolm X.
Dohrn lived on and off in China. After meeting in graduate school, Dohrn married writer Rachel DeWoskin. Ms. DeWoskin’s spent her 20s in China where she starred in a TV soap opera called Foreign Babes in Beijing; she speaks Mandarin and wrote a novel Repeat After Me about the romance between an ESL teacher and a Chinese radical. Dohrn and DeWorskin are now working on a HBO series based on her memoir also called Foreign Babes in Beijing.
Dohrn lived on and off in China. After meeting in graduate school, Dohrn married writer Rachel DeWoskin. Ms. DeWoskin’s spent her 20s in China where she starred in a TV soap opera called Foreign Babes in Beijing; she speaks Mandarin and wrote a novel Repeat After Me about the romance between an ESL teacher and a Chinese radical. Dohrn and DeWorskin are now working on a HBO series based on her memoir also called Foreign Babes in Beijing.
Radical beginnings. Marriage to an ex-American soap star in Beijing. Hmmm, I guess that is how an American playwright not of Chinese heritage winds up writing a
play about contemporary China. Interesting.
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